Do's And Don'ts In Network Marketing
Why did you become a network marketer? Most people immediately
respond, “for the money!” However, this is not the real
No one subjects them to the hard work of building a business just
for little pieces of paper with the faces of dead presidents.
The truth is you work in order to obtain what those little pieces
of paper can bring you.
The first thing you need to do is to find the reason WHY you are
a network marketer. Is it the freedom to choose whatever you
want to do whenever you want to do it? Maybe you are looking for
a different lifestyle. If there is one thing that is critical to
your network marketing success, this is it. If you don’t have a
reason, there is no motivation to succeed.
A network marketing business is a teaching and coaching business.
If you don’t like interaction with other people, a network
marketing business probably is not for you. There’s a concept
that most network marketers just can’t seem to get a handle on.
You do not sponsor “reps,” you sponsor “people!”
If you have to find a reason why you are building your business,
then doesn’t it stand to reason that other people will have to do
the same thing? If that’s the case, then why is it that network
marketers continually focus on how much money your prospect can
There’s no way you are going to convince “Joe Sixpack,” to get
out of his Lazyboy recliner unless you find out what his
motivation is. Most network marketers literally pound in the
amount of money Joe can earn. They bombard him with message
after message about how “Successful Sam” has just purchased his
10th Porsche, refurnished his 25,000 square foot cottage and
promise Joe that he can do the same!
Just how realistic is this approach? Joe isn’t stupid. He works
long, hard hours at his job in order to provide for his family
and truly believes that the best thing he can hope for is saving
enough money by summer to pay for a camping trip. Then here you
come, promising Joe that he can have everything that Sam has and
he can have it if he will just sign that piece of paper making
you his sponsor!
You will probably sponsor a few people that way, but if you are
in business for the long haul you need to change your approach
and do it fast.
The proper approach is so simple, but in your rush to sponsor
another “rep” instead of helping another person, all too often
you talk yourself into and straight out of sponsoring the Joes of
the world.
God gave you two ears and one mouth and he did it for a reason.
We are supposed to “listen” twice as much as we “speak.”
Instead of pouncing on Joe with the latest and greatest network
marketing program of all time, find out what Joe wants and needs.
Ask him questions, lots of questions. In fact, in your first
meeting with Joe, don’t even mention your business! Yes, that’s
what I said. Don’t even bring it up. Remove yourself from the
super duper network marketing persona and spend time making a new
Follow these recommendations and you are set to grow your
business exponentially.
This article can be reprinted with the Author's box.
About the Author
Fitzgerald Elliott.
To find the best home-based business ideas and opportunities,
so you can work from the comfort of your home. visit:
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Art Of A Squeeze Page
Affiliate marketing's one of the quickest methods to generate
cash flow on the web today.
Among its many benefits is the fact that you don't have to spend
time or money researching and developing a new product. All of
this has been done for you by the product owner.
This is a tremendous burden lifted off your shoulders because
this is usually the most costly aspect of any business venture.
A word of caution though, you should still do a little research
yourself as to whether the market wants the product you are
looking to promote and whether the price point is fair and
reasonable enough to attract a big audience.
Once this is done and you have found the product or service you
want to promote and are satisfied with the affiliate program you
should set up what is referred to as a squeeze page.
Simply put, a squeeze page is a one page pre sales letter that
entices the prospect to leave their name and email address in
order to receive more information on the product or service of
There are several points to be made for this superb sales tactic.
Number one, you set yourself apart from all the other affiliates
promoting the same product. Number two, you build your own opt-in
list that you can promote other products to.
So what do you need to use this tactic? A few basics and a little
The first thing you need is a web hosting account and domain
name. These are very inexpensive these days and are a must have
for anyone who is serious about doing business online.
Second is an autoresponder. These too are fairly inexpensive.
Many hosting accounts will now offer free autoresponders with
their service.
Third is an HTML editor. There are several free editors out there
that are easily found through a quick search. Nothing fancy is
needed, just a simple user friendly application.
And the final ingredient is a little copy writing skill.
Here is a tip on what to write on your page: Go to the product
sales page. Pick out the highlights, the biggest benefits you can
see offered. Think about what other benefits there are that may
not be stated already and jot them down.
Now go into your HTML editor and put together a small sales page
using a good headline, subhead and bullet points listing all the
benefits you gathered. This is where the copy writing skill comes
Put the email capture form generated from your autoresponder on
the bottom of the page. Let your prospect know that by leaving
their name and email address you will then reveal this highly
coveted tool, piece of information, service or whatever it is you
have and they so desperately want.
Do not mention the name of the product or service on the capture
page, just the benefits. The reason for this is because they may
have seen this product or service before and were sitting on the
fence about it and you want the prospect to purchase through your
link. You are going to nudge them over the fence with your
All you are trying to do is build interest, pique their curiosity
and whet their appetite for more information.
Set up your autoresponder with 6-7 emails that go out in 3-4 day
intervals, each building on one of the benefits mentioned on your
squeeze page.
Then add in other related services or products that you are an
affiliate of. Repetition is the key and your squeeze page gives
you that advantage over other affiliates.
This article can be reprinted with the resource box.
About the Author
Fitzgerald Elliott.
To find the best home-based business ideas and opportunities,
so you can work from the comfort of your home.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Myths About Starting An Online Business
Are you trying to start an online business? Are you overwhelmed
with the many online business programs available or concerned
that you'll lose money by investing in them? While many offers
sound too good to be true, there are some very good ones
available - but how can you be sure? Learning to read 'between
the lines' will better prepare you for what's really involved.
Here are some common phrases used to promote online businesses
and what they really mean:
#1 - Simple & Easy
Simple and easy depends on who's speaking. A doctor may tell you
it's only a 'simple procedure' but that doesn't mean that you
should attempt it yourself.
Many online businesses ARE simple to operate. If you understand
how it works you will be amazed at the simplicity - but getting
to that point will require time and experience. You may just need
to try a few to get a 'feel' for the business before deciding
which one is easiest for you.
Those who have learned from experience can look back and see how
simple it COULD have been if they'd known what to do all along.
Finding a trustworthy guide can be a great assistance to your
business efforts.
#2 - Anyone Can Do This
Sorry - starting a business of any kind is stressful and requires
a learning curve. If you are attempting an online business out of
desperation or the belief you will make easy money you will face
enormous obstacles. On the other hand, if you are truly seeking a
business you can learn, work at and make a living from, you will
find something online that fits your needs.,
Studies of successful business people concur that those who make
it have common qualities of persistence, patience and desire.
These qualities are essential when trying to start an online
business - do you have them?
#3 - Turnkey
The term 'turnkey' use to mean that a business was set up and
ready to go. You will find the term in business classifieds where
the new owner can just step in and start running the business.
Unfortunately some marketers use the term to suggest a business
is fully automated - that there is no work involved.
There is always work involved. If the business really is turnkey
than you will begin work right away because it has already been
set to go. If you want an automated business you will have to do
the work to make it automated. Either way, nobody is going to
give you an automated, turnkey business that makes money - they
had to do the work, so why would they share it?
#4 - It Won't Cost Anything
You absolutely CAN set up an online business with no money, but
be prepared that a combination of no money and lack of experience
will stifle your efforts immensely.
Most individuals who start or run a business with no money have
learned how to make use of the best free techniques through
experience. They have paid their dues by trying businesses that
cost money. They have spent time in and around their industry or
market and they've been able to see where they can cut costs.
If you are prepared to spend a LOT of time researching before
starting your business you may be one of the few who does it
right the first time. For most people though, expect to pay
something towards your online business education before seeing
results - you just can't buy experience.
Online business obviously has its share of work involved, but
finding the right one has enormous payoffs many people are
willing to sacrifice time and money to achieve. Running your own
business is satisfying and can give you more time to do what you
really want to do in life.
Creating a successful online business is within the grasp of
nearly everyone who is prepared to stick to it. Face the task of
starting your business with realistic expectations while
continuing to dream big and you may just surprise yourself!
This Article can be reprinted with the resource box
About the Author
Fitzgerald Elliott.
To find the best home-based business ideas and opportunities so
you can work from the comfort of your home. Visit;